The textile bracelet can be adjusted thanks to the two Velcro bands that allow to reduce or increase its size.
Here are some diagrams that will help you to fix, adjust, position and remove Bora band (you can also find them inside the user manual included in your Bora band kit).
1 – Fixing the bracelet

2 – Adjusting the bracelet
Adjust the strap size as shown below.
- Move the Velcro straps on the fabric wristband to fit your wrist, then secure them by gripping them to the wristband.
- Make sure that Bora band is well adjusted to your wrist (neither too tight nor too loose) to ensure the accuracy of the measurements, and your comfort.

3 – Positioning of the bracelet
Bora band is worn on the back of the forearm, slightly below the wrist bone (styloid process), as shown below. This placement promotes comfort and accuracy of measurement.
Bora band can be placed on the left wrist as well as on the right wrist.

4 – Removing the bracelet
Remove the Velcro on both sides of the fabric bracelet to release it.

You can also watch our video tutorial: